Tennesseans getting hot under the collar against the Muslim INVASION

Pan one of the many lawless names of Allah… and most of us, well we already knew they were spying on us and censoring us and disappearing some of us, so really now at this point its all one big lie we are swimming around in with only one lighthouse and bouy to keep aiming for, Truth and Love and obedience to it. One of my Tennessee friends sent me these comments and a link of others who get it!-Now if only they would see the deception about the flag…Tennesseans getting hot under the collar against the
Muslim invasion.

“Although, I’m sure this is what the Illuminists/Satanists want…
order out of chaos via their establishing Sharia/Ishmael law into the US. Another of Obama’s goals.

It’s still the firstborn versus the latter born.”
I say now if only they would see the Truth about the flag…WWD